Hello from chilly Montana:
If you are a male born between 1961 and 1980, and you have children, you are called a generation X Dad. You are building connections with kids who are born between 1981 and 2002 and are part of the Generation Y.
Huh? What? Whatsup? No Way
Have you ever wondered if you and your teen or tween were speaking a different language. The answer is yes. You each come from a different part of history, different learning styles and especially different expectations of self and others.
Differences in Generation X and Generation Y
Generation X:
- Skeptical outlook – but don’t mind change
- Balanced work ethic, like time off for fun
- Unimpressed by authority or titles
- Most likely to start their own business
- Reluctant to commit, want to be self reliant
Generation Y:
- They generally have an optimistic outlook
- They are committed to working at a variety of jobs to earn a living
- Much more respectful of diversity
- They will follow an individual or a dream, but not necessarily an organization
- Don’t automatically trust and respect leaders, must be earned
- Hungry for tradition and family roots
- They are more empowered by their own confidence
- Want to be thought of as Problem Solvers – don’t like orders
Connections Between Generation X and Y
No matter what label society puts on us, we all want the same things from life;
- Acceptance
- Approval
- Appreciation
If Generation X dads are serious about building connections with kids, it is as simple as following the the 3 “A”s listed above.
You can do it. I have confidence in your ability to use your influence as a father, teacher, mentor or grandfather to build lasting connections with kids.
If you would like the words to say, please claim a free eBook called Use Encouraging Words to Motivate Positive Action You will find it at:
Judy H. Wright aka Auntie Artichoke, family relationship author and keynote speaker

Thank you Judy!!!!!!! May God continue to Bless you